ISchool Quang Tri International Integration has become a strategic partner of Cambridge VN503 English Test Authorization Center

On December 5, 2020, iSchool Quang Tri International Integration School signed an agreement to become a strategic partner of the Cambridge VN503 English Test Authorization Center, UK and awarded international certificates. Cambridge first for 103 students (HS). Head of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Dai Nam attended.

 Head of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Dai Nam and leaders of the Department of Education and Training witnessed the signing ceremony of the school with the center- Photo: N.V

Head of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Dai Nam and leaders of the Department of Education and Training witnessed the signing ceremony of the school with the center- Photo: N.V

Inter-level school for international integration iSchool Quang Tri belongs to Nguyen Hoang Group. With the preeminent educational model, the curriculum is specially designed towards the maximum promotion of each student's potential. In particular, the International English Program at iSchool is compiled by foreign experts according to Cambridge standards on the educational orientation "Global Citizen Positioning" with from 8 to 10 lessons / week, of which from 20 - 40% are taught by foreign teachers. Through each learning level, students are perfected and developed all 4 skills: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing, in which focusing on English proficient communication and efficiency, being able to take appropriate international certificates. with age.

International English Certificate Cambridge English program by Cambridge English Examinations Council, UK organizes exams and certificates for many subjects, including Cambridge English for School program for students from elementary school to High school. These certificates are recognized in more than 150 countries around the world, with a ladder value corresponding to the common European qualification framework standards and also the applicable 6-level foreign language proficiency framework ...

Speaking at the ceremony, Head of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Dai Nam emphasized that, although it has just been in operation for 3 years, the iSchool Quang Tri International Integration School has initially affirmed its teaching and learning brand. me. In particular, today, the school is honored to become a strategic partner of the Cambridge VN503 English Test Authorization Center, adding an important driving force to the school's development to successfully implement the global citizen training strategy. for Quang Tri's children to study at the school, and at the same time with the education and training sector of Quang Tri to train quality human resources for the province and the country in the future.

On this occasion, iSchool Quang Tri International Integration School and Cambridge VN503 English Test Authorization Center awarded the first Cambridge International Certificate to 103 candidates at the levels of Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET , including 73 students from iSchool and 30 students from other schools in Quang Tri province.

Nguyen Vinh

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